Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sint Nicolaaskerk, Amsterdam

Saint Nicolaaskerk, Amsterdam. Ink&Acrylic

Sketching plein air in ink the Sint Nicolaaskerk to day and painted in my studio. (Church of St. Nicholas) is a Roman Catholic church in the centre of Amsterdam. Thanks to Bill Guffey for the paint out challange!

Schetsen op locatie vandaag en het stads taffreel geschilderd in mijn studio. De Sint-Nicolaaskerk is een Rooms-katholieke kerk in het centrum van Amsterdam.

The original acrylic painting 4.0x6.0 inch: painted in Ink & Acrylic on 6 times gessoed 100% cellulose paper 300g/m.

Click on the painting and you can see the details!

Status:nr #09065
If you would like to purchase this painting, please send a email.

$45,- Shipping&Handling $5,- Terms of Sale

Friday, April 17, 2009

Edible Red

Edible Red, acrylic on loose canvas

Painting Apples/fruits and glass is amusing work, also playing with color contrasts. Past month I painted several small fruit works and you will see the best from this series in next weeks.

Het schilderen van appels en glas blijf mijn favoriet, zo ook het spelen met de contrast kleuren. Af gelopen maand heb ik er meerdere van deze kleine werkjes geschilderd en zal ze hier tonen aan komende weken.

The original acrylic painting 4.5x4.5 inch: painted on 5 times gessoed loose canvas texture.
Click on the painting and you can see the details!

Status:nr #09064
If you would like to purchase this painting, please send a email.

$35,-. Shipping&Handling $5,- Terms of Sale

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Canada lake landscape

Lake Louise, I have tried not to resemble the landscape details and painted the original photograph supplied by (Debbie Later) in brush acrylic paint lines!

Lake Louise, Canada. Heb geprobeerd het landschap niet precies op detail te schilderen maar de orginele aangeleverde versie van (Debbie Later) te schilderen in acrilic verf lijnen.

The original acrylic painting: 6.0x4.5 inch loose canvas texture.
Click on the painting and you can see the details!

This is the second Virtual Sketch Date painting of 2009!

Status:nr #09063 $35.00

Including Shipping&Handling Terms of Sale

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Everyday its a challange to paint these small paintings! It is also the placing of materials, say composition, has the most priority on these little stuff! But the porcelain - glass combination is always good with fruit what that concerned is it not quite difficult.
Elke dag is het weer een uitdaging om deze kleine werkjes te maken. De plaatsing van de materialen hebben de hoogste prioriteit. Maar het porselein doet het altijd goed in de combinatie met fruit wat dat betreft is de keuze niet zo heel moeilijk.
The original acrylic painting: 4.5x6.5 inch loose canvas texture.
Click on the painting and you can see the details!
Status: private collections

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hey lonely Clementine!

Clementines small painting!

A peeled Clementine or Tangerines you name it, was the task to sketch/paint. But I think the composition worked a little more if the Clementine is not peeled and gives a beautiful combination with a glass jar!

Een gepelde mandarijn was de opdracht om te schetsen of te schilderen. Maar ik denk in compositie opzicht is het mooier om de mandarijn in zijn geheel te schilderen, als extra dementie daarbij gebruik gemaakt van een glazen schaal!

The original acrylic painting: 4.5x4.5 inch loose canvas texture.
Click on the painting and you can see the details!

This is the first Virtual Sketch Date painting of 2009!
Status: private collections

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pssst it's a redhead!

it's a redhead!

The red apples are always nice in a blue balanced small painting in combination with Dutch porcelain!

Rode appels zijn altijd mooi in een blauw overheersend klein schilderwerkje in combinatie met Hollands porselein!

The original acrylic painting: 4.5x4.5 inch loose canvas texture.

Click on the painting and you can see the details!
Status: private collections

Monday, January 5, 2009

You are Beautiful!

Mushrooms in glass jar

Mushrooms in a glass jar, they are from the local market. It is amusing to paint vegetables before it is on your diner plate!

Paddestoelen in een glazen pot, ze zijn van de plaatselijke markt. Het is leuk om de groenten te schilderen voordat ze op je avondeten bord liggen!

The original acrylic painting: 4.5x4.5 inch loose canvas texture,

Click on the painting and you can see the details!
Status: private collections

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Get Up

Mushrooms get up

Mushrooms are nice to paint in faceted style. I have tried different color combinations but this was the best combination! The next small painting mushrooms are in a glass jar.
Champions zijn mooi te schilderen in een facetten stijl. Heb veschillende kleuren combonatie's geprobeerd maar dit was de beste. Het volgende kleine tafereel zijn champions in een glazen pot.
The original acrylic painting: 4.5x4.5 inch loose canvas texture,
Click on the painting and you can see the details!
Status: private collections

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year 2009

I wish you hope, happiness, love and peace in a painterly New Year!