Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dutch Cow Top Model

Realism dutch cow Koos portrait

Detail: left ear - linker oor
portrait detail dutch cow Koos

The cow named Koos top model for this painting. With beautifully yellow golden Koos earrings (tags are realism) she is looking lovely into your house, haha. She comes from a Dutch farm "the cloverfarm" and is an adoption cow of the family Slothouber and Franka thanks for your cooperation. I want to make more paintings of Koos, cannot wait to portray Koos and her calves.

De koe Koos heeft model gestaan voor dit schilderij. Met haar mooie geel gouden oorringen (oor merken zijn realistisch) ze kijkt heel lief in jullie huis naar binnen, haha. Ze komt van een Nederlandse boerderij "de klaverhoeve" en is een adoptie koe van de familie Slothouber, Franka bedankt voor je medewerking. Zou graag nog meer schilderijen van Koos en haar kalveren willen maken.

This is the result/resultaat.

Acrylic on canvas 35.5x27.5inch (90x70cm).



MYM said...

wow, beautiful work.

tatyveli said...

Incredible beauty your art works, and you are so very gifted - my sincerest compliments :) Keep up the great work flowing -

Anonymous said...

I love your work - especially this cow!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Beautiful! I love cows.

Lilly said...

Beautiful painting. You are very talented. I ahve a soft spot for cows, I really love them.

Karel Tuinart said...

Drowsey, Thanks for the WoW.

Tatiana, Thanks for the compliment. I keep the art work flowing.

Thanks Diane, see you soon on your Muchness blog.

Greetings, KT

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

I love it..such attention to detail!

Karel Tuinart said...

Tammy, Yes thanks, I love also cows it is a challenge to paint farm animals.

Lilly, thanks for the compliment. I have a soft spot for all animals, will also think at that tulips idea from you.

Greetings, KT

Mary Dvorachek said...

Love the cow painting. We own and operate a small farm. Hugs Mary

North County Film Club said...

That's one beautiful model! So glad she was adopted.

Robert A Vollrath said...

This is my favorite of your posts.
I love cows.