Sunday, May 25, 2008


Go Holland Go - Hup Holland Hup
In the frame of the Dutch football (soccer) team and the arriving European football championship in Switzerland and Austria this summer 2008, is this the favorite Orange suporters drink.
"Go Holland Go" painting.

In het kader van het Nederlandse voetbal team en het aankomende Europees voetbal kampioenschap in Zwitserland en Oostenrijk deze zomer 2008, is dit het favorite Oranje suporters drankje.
Hup Holland Hup schilderij.

This is the result/resultaat.

Acrylic on canvas 12x9.5inch (30x24cm).



Robert said...

Does Mr Heiniken still produce Sourcy, the Spa drinks in a can?

I like your painting style and have enjoyed the journey down your pages. I will be back again soon if I may.

Karel Tuinart said...

Hi Robert,
Yep, Heineken produce beer drinks in a can with a beautiful logo.
Thanks for the compliment, I hope that the quality of it is visibly.
Thanks for your visit and comments, you are welcome.

Anonymous said...

You have major skills! very lovely art!

Karel Tuinart said...

Thanks Stanley for visiting and comment the nice words...